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WG9: Personalization in e-learning systems

Start date Year 3, Month 1
Duration Eight months
Partner responsible Udine, Hyderabad
Other partners Udine , Valencia
Exchange 1 post-graduate (10 days), 1 expert (10 days)
Workshop Hyderabad – Year 3, Month 8


Twenty years of research in User Modeling have resulted in the innovative possibility of building systems capable of adaptively personalizing Web interactions and Web contents. The growth and widespread role of the Web greatly increase the interest in such innovation. These technologies are exploited in several fields: information access, e-commerce, service portals (such as for example, services to the citizens, like in e-government portals), and e-learning systems. The specific competence of the InfoFactory Group of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory concerns personalization in information access systems, information filtering and adaptive personalization in Web portals.

The goal of our project is twofold:

  • from a general point of view, we will explore innovative applications of personalization technologies for educational purposes, aiming at proposing demonstration of their potential;
  • on the other side, we will experiment the new proposals within specific educational initiatives (such as, for example, the joint Master in ICT).

Description of work

The workgroup will proceed as follows:

  • Development of personalized tools for interactive Web-accessible e-learning environments . We will study how adaptive personalization capabilities can be integrated or added to classical e-learning environments. Based on the explicit automatic management of a student profile, the innovative modules can automatically adapt to the specific characteristics of a student, reducing information overload, proactively providing useful and adequate suggestions, timely providing new relevant information. This activity will outcome in the development of new e-learning components, featuring personalization and adaptivity. The estimated effort for such activity is 12 man/months.
  • Integration of the new components in an e-learning framework and experimentation. The various components will be integrated in an innovative framework, featuring customization and personalization, assuring in such a way the possibility to differentiate the access of the different users. The system obtained will be experimented with reference to a specific Course, i.e. the joint Master in ICT. The estimated effort for such activity is 8 man/months.

Experts involved in this workgroup: 7


The deliverable of the project will be: scientific publications; demonstrations and experimentation of prototypes in real contexts

Considering the high interest of commercial enterprises for innovation in e-learning technology, we also plan to organise knowledge transfer or spin-off initiatives.